Fast Transients

Warning: Arcane esoteria follows. A while back, Steve Spear put on a webinar about problem solving. A key theme in the early part of Spear’s presentation was about a company that realized a need to be able to cope with ever accelerating changes. My notes captured this as: We no longer do high volume manufacturing.. …


Past Due Hours This area was picked for the initial focus because they were way, way behind, and it was getting worse. The initial work was done in mid-April. The target was consistent output at takt time. As the team looked at the process, and identified the sources of disruption and variation, “changeovers” surfaced pretty …

“True North” – Explicit or Intrinsic?

One of the factors common to organizations that maintain a continuous improvement culture is leadership alignment on an overall direction for improvement – a “True North” – that defines the perfection you are striving for. Steve Spear describes Toyota’s “Ideal” as: An activity or a system of activities is IDEAL if it always produces and …