Following last week’s post about the Toyota Kata Experiment Record we did a bit of a deep dive on the same topic on the weekly Friday Zoom call.
I think the discussion was pretty rich – though rich discussions happen frequently in these sessions. If you weren’t there, and aren’t on the mail list for the recordings, here’s a (lightly edited) sample for you. FOMO Warning!
If you’d like to participate or lurk-and-listen, then hop over to and register.
The same video is also up on our YouTube channel.
This week (Jan 24) we are going to take a deeper look at Obstacles and the Obstacle Parking Lot. Stay tuned.
I enjoyed learning about the discussion at the Kata School Cascadia where they went deeper into the Toyota Kata Experiment Record. It seems like the Zoom call was engaging, with lots of great discussions about improving processes. I learned that they are focusing on “Obstacles” and the “Obstacle Parking Lot” this week, which sounds like a way to handle problems during the experiment. I think it’s interesting how they are always learning and improving in these sessions.